Of course, there need not be a dramatic reason behind the weight gain. It's also well-known among former military and professional athletes returning to civilian life causes many to let themselves go over time, especially if their previous lifestyle required them to be big eaters and they kept the appetite but not the daily rigors that called for it. Parenting is a notorious cause due to the stresses of child-rearing, with mothers getting the double-whammy of natural weight gain during pregnancy. Heartbreak could lead to Drowning My Sorrows and/or Heartbreak and Ice Cream, which could in turn lead to this if it goes on long enough. Something huge and life-changing could have happened, resulting in depression. The fact that they haven't been paying as much attention to their weight could mean apathy. The inverse of Formerly Fat, in which a character that used to be trim or athletic ends up overweight or obese. 'Weird Al' Yankovic, ' Rye or the Kaiser (Theme from Rocky XIII)'